Adam Travels
Land of the Covenant: Born to be migrants(English Edition)
Language: English
Published: 2018-06-08
Number of pages: 238
Printing: Newcomers Author Publishing Group
ISBN-10: 1732261105
ISBN-13: 978-1732261105
Autor: Shimon Garber
Editor: Vladimir Belinker
My dear friend!
Thank you for opening this book. It's dedicated to 70 years of existence modern state of Israel.
This country in 70 years has gathered many millions of Jews almost from all countries of the world. The first generation of immigrants raised up this country out of ruins, taught the an-cient language, engage in battles with countless enemies, many times superior forces and raised their children. They did not have 40 years, as Moses once had, drove people through the wilder-ness, to weed out the spirit of the born in slavery. Everything had to be done now and immediately. Completely different in cul-ture, upbringing, education, they gathered driven by one single idea. Return to the land of their ancient ancestors after two thou-sand years of exile and re-establish their own country.
These people were able to achieve more than the founding fathers could hope for. This small democratic country today is not falling behind from the most developed countries of the world, but in creating modern technologies, many of them sur-passes.
Israel is a complex demographic country. Population from ultra-orthodox, up to atheistically minded who want to live by their own rules. These raging passions are constantly faced in the definition of laws. But no matter what, the country is developing successfully.
New generations, grown up in this country, the object of love and pride of the older generation, allow confidently, with hope to look forward.
Together with the characters in stories, we can plunge into three different seas, visit three different weddings and at-tend the old tradition of the Jewish people, circumcision on the male child.
We will together visit the cities: Jerusalem, Tiberias, Caesarea. Sample national cuisine and get acquainted with pecu-liar and not always easy, relationships of so different people, gathered from almost every end of our planet.
The last chapter of this book is the author's essay, reflect-ing on the more than uneasy fate of the people who get their own this land again today.