Published: 2021-08-30
Next week we are preparing to open a new website, "JEWS FOR JUSTICE." Translated into Russian "JEWS FOR JUSTICE." The site has been created for a long time and has great difficulties since it is tough. The temporary site is designed for a Russian-speaking, Russian-speaking, and, of course, a Hebrew-speaking audience. Naturally, there are certain difficulties. In addition to the very theme of justice for the Jewish people, there is a problem with translating the word Jew. The Tanakh or Old Testament offers a version of the word Jew, derived from the word "Hebrew" - on the other hand. That was the name of those who came from the other side of the Euphrates River. Hebrew became the word Jew, and the language became Hebrew.
Etymology (origin of words) Hebrew-Hebrew was transformed when it got into another language. In Greek - hebrarios, in Latin - hebraeus, Judaeus. There are synonyms for the word Jew: Jew, Israelite, Semite, Jew (offensive). English. - Jew, fr. Juif, it. Judas, ital. Giudeo, Polish. Yd - Zydzi.
The Jews kept together, continuing to practice Judaism. There is an opinion that the name “Jews” is associated with Judaism. Others consider this to be related to the country of Judea.
"A Jew is a person born to a Jewish mother or converted to Jewry by the religious canon (giyur)."
Judea is a country against which the Romans fought. After the uprisings (last 132-135), Judea was destroyed, the surviving people were expelled, and Syria Palestine replaced the name itself.
The Jews scattered two millennia ago preserved their ethnic culture, religion, language, way of life, appearance, clothing.
The Jews were strangers, newcomers, alien to the peoples they settled: their customs, religion, rituals, and unwillingness to assimilate evoked rejection, hostility, and fear.
The Christian Church supported these antagonistic sentiments in every possible way, accusing the Jewish Jews of all sins and, first of all, of the murder of the Christian God. Jews were limited by their rights and became victims of pogroms (devastation, robberies, massacres).
Foundation "JEWS FOR JUSTICE" - "JEWS FOR JUSTICE" was created to restore justice to Jews.
Our goals:
1. Attracting the international community's attention by publishing materials that make it possible to provide the world community in full over the past 2000 years of the history of the Jewish nation, subjected to persecution, slander, xenophobia, blood libel, destruction throughout the entire time.
2. Publications deliberately distorting public opinion about the Jewish nation as a whole. Slanderous conjectures call for persecution and desecration of the Jewish people in the century leading to the Holocaust in the XX century.
3. Appeals to the International Organization for the investigation of all the listed crimes. Condemnation and punishment of those guilty of these terrible atrocities.
• Informing the public about the projects and activities of the foundation
• Attracting new members and volunteers who share the objectives of the foundation
• Fundraising
• Search for partners, implementation in the implementation of the project
Anyone interested in cooperation, cooperation or in the work of the fund, please contact:
tel: + 972-546394810
write: admin@jfjfund.com