Published: 2021-07-29

92 JFJ JEWS FOR JUSTICE FOUNDATION Pope Francis I said in 2019 that "there is a Jew inside every Christian" and "you cannot be a real Christian without recognizing your Jewish roots." The head of the World Catholic Church said that "the covenant between God and the Jews continues to operate" and "anti-Semitism is not only attacks on Jews, but also against Israel." What did these statements give Israel? Almost nothing. Until the Jews themselves unite and demand that the world community recognize the injustices, persecutions, deliberate lies, genocide, and 2000 years of persecution of the Jewish people, there will be no sense. You can, of course, sit out in silence, hoping that this cup will pass you. This has already happened in our history and more than once. When they come for you, it will be too late. like, repost, comment