Published: 2021-07-08

According to Professor Knoll's theory, Irsus, the one who despised the Egyptian religion and brought the mercenaries from Canaan was in fact our Moses. He confirmed his assumption by the fact that the queen who ruled before Setnakhte was Tusret, the wife of the second Sethi, who died in 1196 BC. The documents said that her reign lasted only two to three years, after which a mysterious, mysterious event took place. In Egypt, an internal struggle broke out, which ended the 19th dynasty and brought to power a new one, founded by Setnakhte. This leads Zero to conclude that the fight was actually a takeover by Moses and the lepers, joined by the shepherds in the Delta area. Professor Knoll dates the Exodus to the second year of the reign of Pharaoh Setnakhte, around 1186 BC. He explains that Moses' parents belonged to the descendants of Jacob who came to Egypt during the famine. Moses grew up at court under the protection of Queen Tusra, who had no children of her own, and, possibly, the daughter of the biblical Pharaoh, who adopted and raised Moses. After her death, Moses saw himself as a worthy kingdom and used the support of his people, the children of Jacob, who were enslaved in Egypt, for his moves of conquest. Then he brought additional support from overseas - shepherds from Canaan. In the struggle between the two forces, Moses and his people lost were deported from Egypt and went towards Canaan.